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Generally the best way to handle the gift baskets is to have them made and awaiting the guests at the front desk of their hotel when they check in. When you have reserved a block of rooms for your wedding, most hotels are willing to hand out gift baskets as people arrive (their computer should tell them that the person checking in is there as part of a wedding block). cheap wholesale snapback hats , The hotel may charge for this service, but it should be a nominal fee. Just be sure to find out in advance.

Then you have the question of what items to include in the gift basket. It can really be an entirely personal choice. Most couples will either base the contents of the welcome baskets on the location of the wedding or simply on what they think their guests will find most useful. Of course, you do not want to limit yourself to only practical items; a few little luxuries are always appreciated by guests.

Let's say that you are having a beach wedding. cheap snapback hats wholesale , This would be a sample of what you may wish to include in the gift baskets: a handful of sunscreen wipes, a couple of bottles of water, salt water taffy and other snacks, postcards with stamps showing the location (not the free ones from the hotel, please), a pretty painted paper fan, and perhaps a cute pair of flip flops for each guest.

It is fun to feature local treats in your wedding gift baskets whenever possible. I once attended an autumn wedding in Pennsylvania, that included the following in the baskets: bags of pretzels, fresh apples, local apple cider, chocolates, maps of local attractions, and a few small bottles of a local scented hand cream. Also in the welcome baskets were an itinerary of the weekend's events, as well as some helpful tips such as a list of nearby restaurants, drugstores, and even a mention of a nearby jewelry store in case any of the ladies wanted to have their wedding jewelry freshly sparkled before the big event. Having some useful tips that will really answer all the questions that your guests may have (like "where can I get a manicure and have my wedding jewelry cleaned?") will really make them feel pampered.

Other things to include in wedding welcome baskets might include some miniature toiletries. gucci hat , Find out what is provided at the hotel, as there is no point in being redundant, but a few nice lotions or decorative soaps are always lovely. Think about the things that will make your guests most comfortable in their hotel rooms. A fuzzy pair of socks if they are staying at a chilly New England bed and breakfast, an assortment of tasty teas and hot cocoas, or even a copy of the Sunday New York Times if your guests will be checking in over the weekend. The chances are that you know your guests well enough to know which little luxuries will be the most appealing. Whatever particular items you end up including in the baskets, your guests will be sure to appreciate the lengths to which you went to make them feel welcome at your wedding.

