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Recently, the Sahara Group, under its company Sahara Adventure Sports Limited, has bagged the franchise for Pune IPL team by making the highest bid ever in IPL. The unveiling of the logo identity of the team was witnessed by a huge gathering. yves saint laurent bags , Sahara Pune Warriors, the Pune franchise of Indian Premier League announced the appointment of its Head and Assistant Coach for IPL season 4. Mr. Geoff Robert Marsh has been appointed the Head coach of the team while former England all rounder Mr. Dermot Reeve has been appointed the Assistant Coach. The announcement was made by Mr. Subrata Roy Sahara of Sahara India Pariwar at the Sahara Headquarters in the presence of Mr. yves saint laurent shoes , Geoff Marsh and Mr. ysl shop , Dermot Reeve.
Mr. Subrata Roy Sahara felt very delighted to hand the reins of the team to two of the ablest professionals Geoff Marsh and Dermot Reeve. Mr. Geoffrey Robert Marsh, the legendry Australian cricketer and coach as a cricketer played 50 Test matches and over 100 one-day Internationals for Australia, as an opening batsman. Marsh was a steady, solid right-handed opening batsman. Mr. Dermot Reeve is best known as an English all-rounder. He is awarded with Wisden Cricketer of the Year 1995 and only person to win 3 ‘Man of the Match' awards in Lord's finals.
Sahara India Pariwar, a major corporation has various business interests that include financial services, housing finance, mutual funds, life insurance, city development, real estate activities, print and television media, film production, sports, information technology, health care, tourism, hospitality and consumer products. Sahara India Pariwar, in order to uplift sports supports the legendary Calcutta Football League, Sheesh Mahal Cricket Tournament and many other sports at the national, state and district levels. The group has extended its sponsorship to the Uttar Pradesh senior cricket team which represents the state in Ranji and all other domestic tournaments.
Sahara had initiated ‘The Sahara Indian Sports Awards' with an intention to bring together all sports together on a common platform to recognize and honour the achievements of Indian sportspersons who have taken the pride of the nation to the highest level and kept the tricolor flying high. The awards are aimed to provide a forum of encouragement to young sporting talents and motivate them to bring laurels to the nation and sports.