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Abs, abs, abs. Everybody wants a nice set of six pack abs. Or if you're not after the six-pack abs, you at least want a nice firm and toned stomach.
Something that looks good with your shirt off or in a bikini.
But how do you get it?
Do you need to follow some weird diet? Do you need to take a magic fat burning supplement? Do you need to buy the latest abs gadget off a television infomercial?
No, no, no. You don't need to follow a weird diet, you don't need to buy a fat burning supplement (that doesn't work anyway) and you especially don't need to buy the latest abs gadget off an infomercial.
Nutritionally speaking, you just need to make some minor tweaks and changes in order to get your body to start burning more of your stubborn stomach fat.
Start by eating more fiber. Stick with lots of fruits and vegetables and keep the grains to a minimum. burberry plaid shirts for men ,
You also need to make sure you get enough protein and fat. Yes I said fat. Your body needs a certain amount of fat in order to function properly and there have been studies that show that people who consume more foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and other cold water fish, and nuts, like almonds, lose more stomach fat than those who didn't. cheap burberry t shirts ,
So stock up on your Omega-3 rich foods and get more protein.
When it comes to exercise, you don't need to live in the gym. Nor do you need to do nothing but cardio. burberry polo shirts for women , Quite the opposite, actually. You need to stick to more resistance training and interval training if you really want to lose stomach fat and get a firm, toned stomach or six-pack abs. .