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The most important nutrient in building muscle is of course protein, only protein becomes part of the new muscle tissue. When you eat protein foods, the protein will eventually be broken down into tiny building blocks called amino acids. gucci sunglasses 2012 , The body uses these amino acids to build new muscle tissue.
Here are the best sources of complete proteins: meat, chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, shell fish, egg white, egg, milk (low, non fat), yogurt (low, non fat), low fat and fat free cheese. Soy protein is also good but it is non animal source, which means it does not contain all the 8 essential amino acids.
The needs of protein way greatly from person to person. Generally the protein needs depend on body weight, training intensity and total calorie intake. This means the more you weigh the more protein you need. A 250 pound bodybuilder need a lot more calories than a 150 pound individual. A bodybuilder who trains very hard and is overloading his musculature 4-5 days a week with maximum weights, will induce more muscular trauma, damage and muscular tears than a beginner.
The more you train the more protein you need. But eating 500 grams of protein is too much. If you fail to eat enough total calories every single day in a muscle building phase, the protein you consume will be wasted. It goes into the liver and is converted into energy, which means you have less protein to build muscle.
A bodybuilder needs to consume 1-1. 5 grams of complete protein for every pound of lean body mass every day. Lean body mass is what you weigh minus your body fat. So measuring your fat percentage is essential in determining your calorie needs. For example a person who weighs 175 pounds and has 18% bodyfat, has 143. 5 pounds of lean body mass. 143. 5x1. ray ban sunglasses cheap , discount designer sunglasses , 5 grams is about 215 grams of protein.