Camiseta Aston Villa FC,
For full development of the chest muscles, you'll need to perform a variety of chest exercises that target your pecs (pectoral muscles) from a number of different angles.
Building the upper pecs is very important for creating a full, powerful looking chest. Just focussing on the lower chest muscles can create a saggy appearance. camiseta de barcelona 2011 , Targeting both upper and lower pecs with different exercises will ensure you get the best chest development possible.
There are many different exercises to choose from. Here are a few of the best chest exercises to get you started.
Bench Press
The bench press works the overall chest and triceps muscles and can be performed using either a barbell or with dumbbells. Using dumbbells will recruit more stabilizer muscles to keep the weights steady, so you'll probably not be able to lift as much as you can when using a barbell. If you don't have a spotter, using dumbbells is slightly safer than using a barbell as you can drop them to the sides, if needed, rather than getting trapped under a bar. Camiseta Aston Villa FC ,
The angle of the bench can be changed to target different parts of the pectoral muscles. A flat bench will work your overall chest, whilst increasing the incline will place more focus on your upper pecs. However, any more than a 45 degree angle will start to target your shoulders muscles (anterior deltoids). camisetas de fútbol baratas , If your gym has a decline bench, where your head is lower than your chest, you can also perform the bench press on this to work the lower chest muscles.
How to do it:
1) Start by lying face up on a bench with your feet planted firmly on the ground.
2) Tighten your abs to flatten your back against the bench. This will protect your lower back.
3) Keep your shoulder blades pinched together to focus the lift on your chest rather than the front of your shoulders. .